We have had an incredible nine months and believe there are wonderful prospects ahead for TAPH in 2012. We need your support to help us continue providing resources that meet the tangible and intangible needs of the guests who walk through the doors of the Bread of Life, Inc through art and creativity. Your generous investment enables us to create experiences, for homeless men and women in Houston to take steps towards a new tomorrow as they awaken to new possibilities and their potential.
Daily at the Bread of Life, Inc., we see how opportunities to create and encounter art offers healing, joy, vitality and hope in the midst of a reality that can be discouraging, challenging and otherwise feel extremely hopeless. We celebrate when we hear participants share, after tapping into their creative spirit within, words like:
"I have missed being able to create sense I've been homeless, this is such a gift." TAPH Student Artist
"This was so much fun. It's been a hard day, sis, and this has turned my sad into this smile. I have not done this since I was a child. Thank you." Bread of Life, Inc. guest after creating a paper snowflake to add to holiday decorations After Dark Art participants created for the BOL.
"I need to do art. I love it and it is helping me stay clean. Art provides the same high for me as the drugs I use to turn to. Just this high keeps me alive." TAPH Art Class participant
Your support has helped us create moments of awareness like these. Not a day goes by that we cease to witness the joy of TAPH student Artists, whether it is selling their first painting, excitement over a new piece they are anxious to create and/or learning something new on one of our monthly field trips to local museums and galleries, all reminders that together WE are making a difference.
We are committed to providing opportunities that heal and empower the homeless men and women of Houston at the Bread of Life, Inc. through art and creativity. We hope you will join us by donating to TAPH today.
You can donate at: www.theartprojecthouston.org click on “Donation”. Or should you decide to write a check, in order to take advantage of a tax deduction in 2011, your contribution must be postmarked by December 31, 2011. Please make your check payable to: Bread of Life c/o TAPH, 2019 Crawford, Houston, Tx 77002.
Thank you in advance for your generous support and investment in The Art Project, Houston!
Celebrate with us!
BELIEVE with us!
Lanecia A. Rouse, TAPH Project Manager