It is FREE and you will not get SPAM messages from us.
You will receive no more than 3 text messages a month through the MGIVE Service sharing :
*Volunteer Opportunities
*Special Opportunities for YOU to tap into your creativity
*Exhibitions, Art Shows and Special Events of The Art Project, Houston Announcements
*Opportunities to Give and Donate
*Success Stories to Celebrate
The Art Project, Houston a project of the Bread of Life, Inc., is not just the work of a few people.
It is a community.
It is only through you BELIEVING that The Art Project, Houston can heal and empower lives that we are creating opportunities for men and women who are homeless, marginalized and desiring a new reality to experience what we BELIEVE art can offer people of all ages and walks of life.
Text "BELIEVE" to 50555 TODAY.
Together WE will make a difference!